Fire Emergency
Products for Hurricane Preparation
Products for Hurricane Recovery
Hurricane Preparation Resources
Hurricane Preparation & Recovery Partners

Did you know that fire is the most common of all disasters? According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), fire causes more than 4,000 deaths, 25,000 injuries. Property losses are more than $8 billion each year. It is important to communicate and test comprehensive emergency plans with your employees.
You're not alone! Ritz Safety is here to help prepare and recover from a wildfire. Find your local branch at: Ritz Safety Locations
Products for Prepare
Products for Recover
- Have all wiring inspected by a qualified electrician to make sure it is in good operating condition
- Store flammable liquids in coontainers and cabinets
- Have these contianers in well-ventilated storage areas away from any heat or spark sources
- If open flames are used, keep away from walls, insulation or other flammable items
- If you use flammable items or chemicals in your facility, make sure all employees know and follow all applicable fire standards
- Install smoke alarms and test them. Consult with your local fire department for guidance
- Make sure fire escape routes and ladders are clearly defined and accessible if needed
- Make sure the proper type of fire extinguishers are easily accessible and that all employees are trained on proper use
- Check local codes for automatic sprinkler systems and install accordingly
- Conduct fire drills regularly
- Do not return to the building until it is cleared by local authorities
- If heat, smoke or sparks are detected, evacuate immediately and contact fire officials
- Work with experts in fire recovery for all repairs. Have the repairs inspected by local fire authorities upon completion