Prepare for the Winter Weather

Ritz Safety is your partner to prepare for incoming hurricanes and is there to help you recover once they have passed. Ritz Safety provides hurricane-related products along the gulf coast in Houston (TX), Mobile (AL), and Tampa (FL). Ready to help you prepare for hurricanes with sandbags, flashlights, water, batteries, radios, and barrier systems and recover with cleaning supplies, gloves, fans, lifejackets, tarps, and more. Ritz Safety understands the risks your family, business, and community face with harsh storms so we stand prepared to help you weather the storm. 

Hurricane Recovery Checklist

Recovering from a hurricane is hard work but being prepared with the right recovery supplies doesn't have to be hard at all. Use this checklist and find all the products you need to recover from a hurricane at Ritz Safety.

Hurricane Preparation Checklist

Everything you need to prepare for a hurricane in one simple checklist. Whether preparing your home or facility making sure you have the proper equipment on site is key to taking on the storm. 


Hurricane Prep & Recovery Partner

Products for Hurricane Preparation

Hurricane Flashlights


Batteries for Hurricane Prep


Hurricane Rain Suit

Rain Gear

Hurricane Sandbags


Hurricane Cones

Cones & Markers

Hurricane Tarps



Hurricane Prep Kit

Preparedness Kits

Bottled Water Hurricane


Hurricane Coolers


Hurricane Gas Cans

Gas Cans

Two Way Radios

Two-Way Radios

Lockout Tagout for Emergency Prep

Lock Out Tag Out


Products for Hurricane Recovery

Hi-Viz Vests for Emergency Response

Hi-Viz Vests

Clean Up Gloves


Eyewear for Cleanup


Waterproof boots for clean up

Waterproof Boots

Clean up Supplies

Cleaning Supplies 

Barricade Tape for Clean Up

Barricade Tape




Insect Repellent

Insect Repellents



First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits

Pop-Up Shelters

Trash Bags

Trash Bags


Hurricane Preparation Resources

Hurricane Recovery Safety Article

Hurricane Recovery Protection




Hurricane Preparation & Recovery Partners 


The freezing temperatures and winter storms can have serious consequences for your business and employees.

Being prepared is a vital part of minimizing the impact and accidents of cold-weather conditions.


You're not alone! Ritz Safety is here to help prepare for the cold weather. Find your local branch at: Ritz Safety Locations

Products for Prepare



  • Know your areas risk for winter weather and monitor weather reports/warnings of freezing weather and winter storms
  • Prepare your facility: insulation, caulking, weather stripping, etc. Insulate pipes and know how to shut off water valves in case pipes freeze and burst
  • Recognize that extreme winter weather may leave your facility without utilities or other services for an extended period of time
  • Be prepared to evacuate if power or heat is lost
  • Equip fleet vehicles with roadside emergency items such as jumper cables, batter jumpers, flashlights, blankets and flares
  • Prepare for potential isolation or sheltering by storing essential supplies sufficient to support your employees for several days
  • Learn the signs of, and treatments for, frostbite and hypothermia
  • Consider buying emergency heating equipment
  • Spread salt on walking surfaces to help prevent ice buildup


  • Prevent slips and falls by clearing snow and ice from walking surfaces
  • Monitor workers' physical condition during tasks, especially new workers who are not used to working in the cold
  • Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning by only using gernerators outdoors
  • Maintain ventilation when using kerosene heaters or gas-powered generators to avoid buildup of toxic fumes
  • If ice or heavy snow has damaged your building, make sure they are structurally sound before entering